
Strategic allocation of business capital

By Glen McCall | July 25, 2024

One of the most critical aspects for any company is the strategic allocation of capital. Wise investment decisions can propel a business toward growth and sustainability, while poor choices can lead to financial stagnation or decline.  

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Overview of website accessibility

By Tim Priebe | July 25, 2024

Are you worried that your website may not be as accessible as it should be? Accessibility ensures that your website is inclusive and usable for everyone. Around 15% of the world’s population lives with some sort of disability, including visual, auditory, ability, cognitive, and other impairments. By making digital content accessible, you enhance the user experience for everyone, not just those with disabilities.

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10x is Easier than 2x

By Phil Klutts | July 23, 2024

Most of us want to have to have more in life and business. And to get more we think we need to work more. “10x is Easier than 2x” refutes this idea and argues that you can “achieve more by doing less.”

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Recognizing & preventing burnout

By Craig Booker | July 23, 2024

Recently, one Saturday afternoon, I came to the scary realization that I was facing a severe case of burnout! That week, I diligently worked to prepare scripts for the next five podcast episodes. I struggled to get going, but that isn’t completely abnormal. I thought I was making real progress when I sensed significant internal pushback.

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Is Nvidia the most important stock?

By Nick Massey | July 19, 2024

In the 2000 movie Almost Famous, actress Kate Hudson gleefully proclaimed, “It’s all happening.” She played the part of a groupie who calls herself Penny Lane (after the Beatles’ song of the same name) as she travels with a rock band in the early 1970s. The line suggests that Penny feels something meaningful is taking place in the world, culturally and politically, and that traveling with a rock band makes her a part of it all.

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How to answer “What do you do?”

By Kirsten Land | July 19, 2024

What is the most asked question at a networking event? If you said, “What do you do?” Then you are correct! We have been pre-programmed our entire lives to ask this question because it helps us understand a little bit about the person we just met. It also serves as a good conversation starter.

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Are you putting up defenses or bringing them down?

By Mike Crandall | June 27, 2024

When someone realizes you want something from them, how do they react? If they are close to you, they may respond happily and want to help you. However, if they perceive you as just another salesperson, their reaction can differ. They will immediately get defensive. They will bring up the drawbridge, put out the hungry gators, bring out the cannons, and fire their warning shots.

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Is work an obligation or opportunity?

By Jeremy Robertson | June 27, 2024

I do the dishes because I must. I feel no sense of joy or fulfillment. It’s a task that must be done. I do the laundry because I must—knowing full well that the hamper will quickly return to an overflowing state, necessitating a return to the laundering process. I clean the bathroom because…well, you get the picture. We do some things because they must be done, not because we receive joy or fulfillment from them.

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Unlocking your company’s true value

By Glen McCall | June 20, 2024

Understanding your business’s worth is not just a number on a balance sheet; it’s a strategic tool that can guide crucial decisions, attract investors, and drive growth. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, grasping the fundamentals of business valuation is paramount. 

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3 ways to get more strategic with your website

By Tim Priebe | June 20, 2024

When I started my company twenty years ago, it was enough for an organization to simply have a website. Now, you need to be more strategic than that. Your website must be engaging and tailored to meet your audience’s needs.

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