Looking for customers in Edmond?
There is a direct method to reach business-minded customers in the Edmond area without all the hassle.
We’ve focused in to deliver:
- Audience in Edmond, OK
- Multi-Channel Digital Delivery: Online Ads, Email, and Social Media;
- Free Custom Ad Design; and
- Easy to Understand Pricing.
If you’ve struggled to find advertising that fits your target customers, if you can’t figure out complicated ad purchasing proposals; then you are about to see how easy advertising can be. Here’s how.
Focused on Edmond
Our stories and columns are dedicated to one topic: businesses in Edmond. This includes the people, places, firms, and nonprofits located in and directly around Edmond, Oklahoma. There’s no worry about your advertising budget being spent on people from somewhere else.
Digital Delivery
Work and life are continually moving more online. Work-From-Home means direct mail doesn’t reach people in their traditional office buildings with any urgency. It is important to get in front of your prospects where they are. Our advertising solutions ensure your message is seen in your prospect’s email, laptops, and mobile devices.
We see how many people see your ads and click to visit your website. There is no question on if readers see your message. We know your online ad will be seen over 1,000 times each month. Our emails are delivered to over 250 email boxes four times per month or more. Our social media posts get seen and shared over and over again.
Custom Design
Our partners at T&S Online Marketing create made-for-you display ads. Their experience in design and marketing gives you the satisfaction of a tailored, professional, and effective advertisement. You get this design work with NO ADDITIONAL COSTS.
Pricing Structure
Pricing shouldn’t be complicated. Our advertising rates assure you of a simple investment. Edmond Business offers flat-fee pricing with quantity and bundle discounts. You pay for what you want, and we do all the work to get you in front of our readers.
Why Edmond Business
Our team has over thirty years of experience in Digital Marketing, Sales, and Business Management. We know the frustrations that come with advertising. Edmond Business solves these problems for us. We want to share these benefits with you.
Get started with no risk
Not sure if digital advertising with Edmond Business is right for you? Schedule a NO HASSLE, NO OBLIGATION, RISK-FREE phone call today to find out more.
If you are ready to get started, then schedule a call TODAY.
Contact Phil Klutts, Managing Partner:
- CALL: 405-250-3028
- EMAIL: philk@edmondbusiness.com