Articles by Mike Crandall

About Mike Crandall

Mike Crandall lives in Edmond, Oklahoma. He is a Consultant, Coach, Trainer, Speaker, and Author focused on the Subconscious Psychology of Human Interaction and Motivation. His firm specializes in Elevating Leadership, Management, & Sales Performance for Proactive Business Growth. Mike is based in Oklahoma and serves Visionary Clients across the United States. He can be reached at (405) 844-1700.

Are you putting up defenses or bringing them down?

By Mike Crandall | June 27, 2024

When someone realizes you want something from them, how do they react? If they are close to you, they may respond happily and want to help you. However, if they perceive you as just another salesperson, their reaction can differ. They will immediately get defensive. They will bring up the drawbridge, put out the hungry gators, bring out the cannons, and fire their warning shots.

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Perception, connection, and self-awareness, oh my!

By Mike Crandall | October 31, 2023

Do others perceive you the same way that you perceive yourself? If your answer is yes, how are you sure? If your answer is no, why not? Either way, have you thought about how this may be costing you? How it may be holding you back? Or what it may be doing to you professionally and personally?

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3 types of learners – which are you?

By Mike Crandall | September 28, 2023

Have you ever been frustrated because you wanted someone else to learn something and they did not? It is very common for people to get frustrated because others around them don’t seem to learn very well. This is especially true in leadership and parenting. Leaders get frustrated or even upset and angry when people they lead don’t learn things, they want them to learn. This is also very true for parents and their children. 

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Why your sales scripts don’t work

By Mike Crandall | August 29, 2023

The young sales rep was excited about his new role. He had been hired by the company straight out of school to sell to the business world. After all of the training, he finally had his first solo sales call. He enthusiastically went through everything he had been trained to do. Afterward, he raced back to the office to debrief his call with the sales manager.

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The #1 reason businesses fail

By Mike Crandall | July 31, 2023

“Why did they go out of business?” That is an interesting question that is asked very regularly. Although businesses fail (or struggle) for many reasons, there is one huge one, and it is not what you think. Common answers include customer service, management, location, price, or quality. The most frequent answer is money – which is still not correct.

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The three “P”s of prospecting

By Mike Crandall | June 27, 2023

One of the most important and least-liked aspects of business growth is prospecting. Prospecting leads to sales, and sales is where all revenue in business comes from. Without revenue – any business is just a hobby.

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Systems for success

By Mike Crandall | May 23, 2023

When you look at others you consider successful, have you noticed the systems they have in place and follow? A frequently overlooked key to success is the power of having a system for things.

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21st-century thinking

By Mike Crandall | April 25, 2023

The number of things around us is ever-changing, and they are changing at an increasing rate. Certainly, you have noticed changes in the last couple of years, months, and possibly even the last couple of days. No one can deny the change or the speed it’s happening.

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Stop trying

By Mike Crandall | March 28, 2023

How would you feel on your wedding day if, during the vows, instead of hearing “I do,” you heard “I’ll try” from your spouse-to-be? What about if, when flying, the pilot said we’re “going to try” and land safely instead of “we’re going to” land safely? If you’re like more than 99% of the population, hearing either would make you extremely uncomfortable. Now let me ask: How often do you use “try” in your life or accept it from others?

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Stop wasting money

By Mike Crandall | February 28, 2023

Everyone hates waste—in our personal lives and our professional lives. However, we seldom truly analyze our waste. We should focus on eliminating waste in three main areas: time, energy, and money.

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