Articles by Craig Booker

About Craig Booker

Craig Booker is the founder of Overflow, a community for anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges. He is a freelance writer and mental health advocate. Craig is an Edmond native with a bachelor's degree in Business Management from the University of Central Oklahoma. He is passionate about creating a safe space where people can be authentic, knowing they will find love, acceptance, and encouragement. Craig hosts a weekly podcast called, The Overflow Podcast," where he talks about mental health and personal growth. In each episode, Craig shares practical ways to positively impact mental health.

Recognizing & preventing burnout

By Craig Booker | July 23, 2024

Recently, one Saturday afternoon, I came to the scary realization that I was facing a severe case of burnout! That week, I diligently worked to prepare scripts for the next five podcast episodes. I struggled to get going, but that isn’t completely abnormal. I thought I was making real progress when I sensed significant internal pushback.

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Relieving pressure in the workplace

By Craig Booker | June 18, 2024

We ALL experience pressure. Pressure from work, school, or our career. Stress from relationships or trying to meet expectations from friends or family. There might be pressure in your marriage or your relationship with your kids. The point is that we all have different factors that can increase or decrease the pressure we experience on any given day.

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Share your brain health struggle

By Craig Booker | May 16, 2024

Going through brain health challenges can be one of the most challenging seasons a person will face. When it comes to brain health or mental health challenges, sadly, people tend to keep the details to themselves. As humans, whether at work or at home, we struggle to ask for help. Instead of opening up, we suffer in silence, keeping the struggle to ourselves. 

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Keep asking questions

By Craig Booker | April 25, 2024

Maybe you have been there. You land a new job and are thrilled about the opportunity. After a long and grueling job search, you accept an offer from a fantastic company. In many ways, you feel like you’ve won the lottery.

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Brain health conversations

By Craig Booker | February 29, 2024

Have you ever sensed that a coworker was eager to share something with you? I’m not talking about work stuff like details about a big project, gossip about a coworker, or that you need to do something specific for a presentation. I’m talking about personal stuff you would only tell a close friend. We discuss physical health topics at work, like our diet or the new CrossFit gym we joined recently, but not brain health. 

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3 tips to beat post-holiday blues

By Craig Booker | January 23, 2024

Oh, the holidays. It is a joyous time in late fall and early winter when people celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year’s, and more. It’s a season filled with delicious food, caroling, gift-giving, and parties galore. It is a time when people speak of slowing down, yet they speed up in the same season. 

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What to do when you hate your job

By Craig Booker | December 19, 2023

You wake up one day and find yourself in a place you never thought you would be. At least, that is what I thought as I sat in front of my office, waiting for 7:53 a.m. to arrive. You see, 7:53 was the optimum time to leave my car and walk up the steps to the office. This was enough time where I did not have to hurry, but not too much time where I would be at my desk more than a few minutes before 8. 

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The onboarding process and mental health

By Craig Booker | November 16, 2023

You’ve just landed your new job! After months of searching, applying, and being ghosted, you receive and accept a job offer. Your first week of training begins next week. You mentally prepare yourself for what could be a fun or dreadful first five days. How bad could it be, right? It couldn’t be as bad as the search process, or could it?

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3 ways to improve hiring for people with mental illness

By Craig Booker | October 12, 2023

Updating your LinkedIn profile, tweaking your resume, searching through job listings, and preparing for interviews, the process of finding a job is a stressful one. Today, more and more people who find themselves out of work are living with a mental health condition. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, one in five adults, or 57.8 million Americans, has a mental health condition. While many organizations invest in mental health, there is still a long way to go to create a more equitable and inclusive workplace.

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How employers can embrace mental health

By Craig Booker | September 12, 2023

It is no surprise that the pandemic forever changed how many people now work, shop, and eat. Employers and employees both know that prioritizing mental well-being is now a necessity. The shared experiences of many worldwide provided tangible evidence on a massive scale that mental health impacts business. Organizations no longer question how brain health affects the bottom line, productivity, and office morale.

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