
Overview of website accessibility

By Tim Priebe | July 25, 2024

Are you worried that your website may not be as accessible as it should be? Accessibility ensures that your website is inclusive and usable for everyone. Around 15% of the world’s population lives with some sort of disability, including visual, auditory, ability, cognitive, and other impairments. By making digital content accessible, you enhance the user experience for everyone, not just those with disabilities.

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3 ways to get more strategic with your website

By Tim Priebe | June 20, 2024

When I started my company twenty years ago, it was enough for an organization to simply have a website. Now, you need to be more strategic than that. Your website must be engaging and tailored to meet your audience’s needs.

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How to tell if you need a new website

By Tim Priebe | April 30, 2024

Back in 2021, I shared several reasons that you might want to redesign your website, ranging from improving loading speeds to changing business needs. While all of those are still valid reasons, I also shared a redesign is typically necessary every 2-5 years to stay modern. Since it’s been three years since I shared those reasons, that means the digital landscape has evolved. Naturally, so have the reasons to consider giving your website a fresh look.

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Why you should quit marketing

By Tim Priebe | January 31, 2024

In my world, marketing is often seen as indispensable, driving growth and visibility. But here’s a hard truth: sometimes, it’s better to quit.

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The pros and cons of AI in marketing

By Tim Priebe | December 29, 2023

Over the last year, my team at Backslash Creative and I have jumped feet-first into the world of artificial intelligence—AI—and its application in marketing. This hands-on experience has given us a great understanding of AI’s impact when it comes to digital marketing.

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Cybersecurity for small business websites

By Tim Priebe | November 30, 2023

While I’m not an IT expert, I have been working with website security for the past couple of decades. And there are definitely more cyber threats now than there were twenty years ago. If your website is important to you, then the cybersecurity of your website should be important to you.

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SEO trends for 2024

By Tim Priebe | October 30, 2023

Keeping up with SEO is a challenging task. We are getting closer and closer to 2024, and the game has evolved.  Let’s look at the role AI will—or should—have in SEO, Core Web Vitals, and the continued importance of content quality and search intent. Then, I’ll share five actionable tips for SEO in 2024.

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Crafting a strategy for your marketing 

By Tim Priebe | September 21, 2023

Ready to get more strategic with your marketing? A marketing plan that’s actually usable is a key component of being strategic. While a full-blown guide to creating a marketing plan would be much longer, a quick overview of the essential elements can help you make sure you’re starting on the right foot.

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How to build your B2B email list

By Tim Priebe | August 22, 2023

In the world of B2B marketing, the power of email can’t be ignored. It’s a direct line to your potential clients, offering an opportunity to reach them right where they live: their inbox.

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A strategic approach to social media

By Tim Priebe | July 25, 2023

Yes, social media can be helpful for marketing, but only if you use it strategically. Let’s look at how to create a social media strategy that drives results by setting SMART goals. We’ll dive into understanding your audience, defining specific objectives, and crafting engaging content to build lasting relationships. So, let’s get started!

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