By Tim Priebe
May 4, 2021
What if you blurred the lines?
I am a fairly driven guy. I set aggressive goals, work hard, and don’t accept excuses from myself. I should probably go easier on myself, but it’s one of the ways I’ve been able to start multiple businesses, write five digital marketing books, spend time with my family, and stay active in my church.
A friend of mine and I have an ongoing conversation about my approach to life and business versus hers. She likes to keep things compartmentalized, while I prefer to live life with very few boundaries.
To be clear, as long as you’re being true to your values and don’t neglect the things and people that are important to you, I don’t think there’s a wrong way to do it. For me, blurring the lines between the different areas of my life has its benefits.
For example, my children attend Edmond Public Schools (EPS). In fact, with how the ages of our three boys are distributed, by the time the youngest finishes elementary school, we will have had a child attending John Ross Elementary School for 15 consecutive years, if my math is correct (I may be a year or two off).
Interest in EPS at one point led to a role on the Edmond Public Schools Foundation board in 2011 and 2012. It also led indirectly to the multiple articles we’ve run regarding Edmond Public Schools, including this month’s article on the new superintendent, Dr. Angela Grunewalk.
Several weeks ago, in a digital marketing meeting, MVP Insurance co-owner and long-time friend Joan Curtis shared with me how they’d done well in the last year or so despite the pandemic. That conversation turned into an article this month.
My project manager at T&S Online Marketing, Chloé Gee, moved a few months ago. A coworker and I were able to help her move. She was very appreciative, although her parents may have been even more grateful. I’m not sure!
My wife and I have been married since 1997, and we work in both businesses together. Leann is an invaluable member of both teams, as I think others in those teams would agree!
By blurring the lines, I’ve gained business, helped people I wouldn’t have been able to, and built relationships I wouldn’t have otherwise. Has it had challenges? Of course! But, I wouldn’t do life any other way.
What effect might it have if you blurred the lines instead of compartmentalizing your life?
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About Tim Priebe
Tim is a public speaker, author, publisher of Edmond Business, and the owner of Backslash Creative. He helps businesses that are worried they don’t have the expertise or time required to invest in doing their own digital marketing. He helps them plan where and how much to invest and often helps execute the plan.
Tim started the Edmond Business online magazine in May 2020 to fill a need in the community when The Edmond Sun shut down and stopped publishing their monthly magazine, The Business Times.