By Ernest F. Parrish
July 31, 2023

Ten qualities of a kingdom business owner, part 2

Being a Christian business owner is more than just a title. Here are two more qualities you need to have.

Here are the next two qualities I’ve observed that are present in Christian business owners.

Quality #3 – A personal, vibrant prayer life

I used to actually think I knew how to pray.

It went something like this:

Dear God, you won’t believe the mess I’ve made this time. If you will please help me get out of this messy situation one more time, I promise I’ll be a better Christian for the rest of my life, I PROMISE! Amen.

Or maybe, it went something like this:

Dear God, if you will help me get that promotion or that better job so that I can make more money, I promise I will start tithing! Amen.

All my prayers were only me talking about myself and not listening to God. The object of all of my prayers was me. I was the ultimate selfish pray-er.

Occasionally, I would pray for someone else if they asked me to pray for them. But seriously, I needed more prayer than anybody, so that’s where I focused all of my prayers.

Somewhere down the line, the Holy Spirit asked me to be quiet and to listen to his still, small voice. John 10:27 says, “My sheep know my voice and they follow me.”

Wait a minute, God still speaks today? I can hear his voice? He actually has something to say to me? He really wants to give me direction? He wants to encourage me? He really wants to speak to specific issues in my life and business?

Why in the world has no one ever told me this before?

It was about this time that I began to hear the voice of God for the first time because I sat still long enough for him to actually speak to me. Now, he never stops talking to me! His love, encouragement, and mercies know no bounds! 

Today as I sit quietly in his presence and listen to his voice, the prayers that he rolls out of his heart into my ears are astounding! As he speaks, I then speak what he speaks to me into my phone, and my phone types it out in my notes. Sometimes it is a fresh word for me, and other times it may be a fresh word for someone else that the Lord brings to mind later in the day. Because I’ve taken time to dictate and write it down, it is easily sent to a friend or someone I’ve never met.

In my earlier days of praying, I rarely wrote down my prayers, and by 10 AM, I had forgotten what I had even prayed about. By writing down my prayers, I have them available throughout the day and from then on to use as a ministry tool as he directs me.

2 Corinthians 10:5 says, “Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.”

All of the prayers which flow from his thoughts and his heart I hold captive to the obedience of Christ. I want those prayers to be arrows in a quiver full of encouragement, peace, and comfort to be distributed as His Holy Spirit directs me.

This is prayer like I’ve never known before, and I cherish every single morning. I speak less and listen a lot more in my prayer time.

When was the last time you listened to the voice of God during your prayer time? What did he say?

Quality #4 – Courage to pray for employees or the company publicly or privately.

Having the confidence to pray for or with employees about their jobs, family, or anything they desire is a quality every Christian business owner should have. Nothing is more important than praying for your employees and your business.

Verbally expressing specifics and broad-brush generalities in our prayers is a must. Having a prayer list or log is a good way to remember what and who to pray for.

In the busyness of our lives, it’s easy to forget to pray after we’ve told someone we will pray for them. Better than praying for them is praying with them right there and then. Being willing to pray with them then and for them later are both very important. Keeping a prayer log or journal of prayers, and answers, encourages us to pray more. It also reminds us of how faithful God is in answering our prayers.

“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”

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About Ernest F. Parrish

For the past 40+ years EF Parrish has invested his life in building relationships with people. Whether as a sales director with Sprint Communications Company, a children’s pastor with a local mega-church, or VP of Sales for a large office equipment dealer, Parrish brings over 40 years experience as a business executive, minister and published author. One of Parrish’s deep passions in life is building disciples of Jesus Christ, by giving away what he has gained in his fifty+ years of walking with Christ.

Responding to the importance Parrish places on relationships, he founded Corporate Care in 1987. The business currently provides corporate chaplaincy services to thousands of employees in numerous businesses.