By Glen McCall
January 17, 2023

Take control of your financial health

Start your financial transformation in 2023 by taking control and changing how you look at the problem.

2023 will be another new year. Maybe it’s time for a new path. If you’re unsure what everyone will resolve to do this year, check your Facebook or Instagram page. You’re likely to see, “I’m going to get healthy and shed those extra pounds!” We’ve all been guilty of making and not following through with that commitment.

It’s a disheartening but not surprising statistic: Out of the 41% of Americans who actually made New Year’s resolutions, only 9% were successful in keeping them.

So let’s go along a new path in 2023. This year can be your year of positive financial transformation. It starts with recognizing and changing bad money habits that have the potential to derail your financial future. Here are a few tips that can be impactful when pursuing financial well-being. 

Paradigm Shift   

Change is uncomfortable, and resisting it is easy. Leaving your comfort zone is paramount in reaching your financial goals, providing a perspective that you may not have otherwise been able to see.

Bad Financial Decisions

Lackluster financial circumstances can be a major contributor to poor financial decisions and have the potential to create a vicious cycle. A continuum of just trying to make ends meet from paycheck to paycheck can be overwhelming, leaving no time or energy to pivot to change course. It’s time to slow down and take a breath. You have the power to improve your financial health by acting now.

Poor Planning

Not having a plan or realistic goals automatically sets you up for failure. So many people hear the word “budget” and immediately wince at the thought of creating one. Take baby steps. Create a list and account for your daily spending. Dig deep into what’s coming in and what’s going out. Reach out to your local bank or another trusted source for guidance. A budget creates accountability and makes it more difficult to overspend or impulse buy. 


Set specific goals with a clear image of what you’re trying to solve. All too often, we set goals without clarity, not really asking ourselves what it will take to get there. As a quick reminder, a mere 9% of goal-setters achieve it! Be honest with yourself and commit. Do you have what it takes to keep going? How badly do you want it, and are you willing to make sacrifices to get there? Is your heart in it? These are all very important questions that need to be answered before even setting a goal.

Ignorance is Bliss…

… and knowledge is power. You have the world in the palm of your hands and access to information beyond measure. We are one source, but there are many. Use them. Not knowing where to begin makes it easier to excuse why you didn’t take the first step. Do your research and use your contacts. And, by all means, work with someone you trust.

Getting your financial health in order is a process and requires not only discipline but patience. As you move through this journey, remember that you’ll have days where you feel extremely successful, but you’ll also be faced with challenges that could easily take you off your path to financial well-being.

Although taking control of your financial health begins with you, know that you are not alone. Partner with someone you trust and use your resources. Be vigilant and remember the answers to those very important questions you asked yourself before even setting your goal.

Finally, you can do it. Changing the way you look at the problem, taking time to consider obstacles and planning, getting specific, and pursuing knowledge can be your key to success!

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About Glen McCall

Glen McCall leads First United Bank’s Oklahoma City and Edmond Markets and its purpose to inspire and empower others to Spend Life Wisely.

Glen is a graduate of Eckerd College, earning his degree in Business Management and ABA’s Commercial Lending School at SMU.

Glen serves his community through Scouting and Santa Fe Presbyterian Church in Edmond.

Glen resides in Edmond, OK with his wife of 27 years, Tracie, a Special Ed. Teacher, and their 3 sons. His free time is spent at his sons’ football games, band competitions and swim meets.