Articles by Sherry Jordan

About Sherry Jordan

Sherry Jordan is the President and Chief Executive Officer for the Edmond Chamber of Commerce. Sherry was promoted to this position in September 2016 and has served in several roles during her 15 years at the Edmond Chamber. Sherry has been the leader for the Chamber’s accreditation process in 2005, 2010 and 2015 which culminated in a 5-star rating. While there are over 8,000 chambers in the US, the Edmond Chamber is one of only 105 chambers to achieve this rating.

Sherry and her husband Brad have been married for 30 years and are parents to two daughters. Taylor is a teacher in Edmond Public Schools and Bailey is currently in medical school at the University of Oklahoma.

Immigration revamp for growth

By Sherry Jordan | May 30, 2023

For decades, political leaders in both parties have claimed that immigration reform was a top legislative priority. Yet, none have succeeded in delivering lasting solutions to fix our broken immigration system. Despite this track record, broad support for reform has remained consistent among various interest groups. The 118th Congress must secure our borders and modernize our legal immigration system to meet the needs of our economy.

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2021 Edmond Chamber Women’s Summit talks work-life balance

By Sherry Jordan | November 2, 2021

Work-life balance has become a huge topic of conversation in the last decade across generations. Recent studies show 72% of people consider work-life balance when job searching, and companies with a positive work-life balance have 25% less employee turnover. But, how do people achieve this precarious balance in the era of Zoom calls, constant notifications, and non-stop busyness?

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Putting the fun in fundraising

By Sherry Jordan | October 5, 2021

For many organizations, including the Edmond Area Chamber of Commerce, fundraising is an important revenue stream to continue providing services, resources, and opportunities to the community. After years of auctions and membership drives, the Edmond Chamber decided to try something new in 2017 and explore alternative ways to engage donors and members, leading to the launch of Edmond’s Dancing with the Stars.

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Reconstructing Edmond intersections

By Sherry Jordan | September 7, 2021

Edmond continues to grow and improve not only in opportunity and population but construction as well. Our community has seen a 15% increase in population in only ten years. The fast-paced increase of traffic coupled with long construction times and unpredictable Oklahoma weather make it difficult to match the speed of road improvements with the speed of population growth.

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Keeping up with 2021 legislative updates

By Sherry Jordan | June 1, 2021

Oklahoma legislators officially adjourned at 5 p.m. on Friday, May 28, marking the end of the first legislative session post-COVID. There were many new bills approved, as well as programs, budgets, and incentives to support local businesses. State Budget The biggest (and most time-consuming) responsibility of the state legislature is to create and approve the…

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Edmond schools need your vote

By Sherry Jordan | May 4, 2021

As our city continues to grow, it’s crucial to support and prioritize strong schools. Over the past year, we’ve seen the importance of quality education for our students, and the upcoming 2021 Edmond Public Schools bond issue allows us to continue providing excellent schooling and investing in the next generation of leaders in our community.…

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CareerTech expands educational and economic opportunities

By Sherry Jordan | March 2, 2021

For many years, the City of Edmond has been known and recognized for its outstanding education. Most people immediately think of traditional K-12 classrooms at Edmond Public Schools or higher education at the University of Central Oklahoma. Still, there is another irreplaceable source of learning and economic development for our community: Career and Technical Education.…

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Pass liability protections for small businesses

By Sherry Jordan | October 6, 2020

Running a small business is not for the faint of heart. Businesses in Edmond are working hard to operate safely and to keep their employees and their customers healthy amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Of course, a lot has changed since the pandemic hit. Instead of continuing to focus on the success and growth of their…

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Support the movers and the shakers

By Sherry Jordan | June 1, 2020

With June quickly approaching, it’s clear that residents are feeling more comfortable stepping out of their homes and into retail and restaurant establishments. As businesses begin to open their doors, it’s more important than ever to support the businesses who make our community unique. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Small businesses…

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