By Ernest F. Parrish
April 25, 2023
Through it all
I would never presume that I have all the answers to life’s toughest issues, even though I see many of them as I walk through businesses every day as a corporate chaplain. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:9, New International Version)
When life’s twists and turns fail to make sense to us, and it appears as though God has failed us, it is then that we must trust in the character of God and the Word of God. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)
However, the Lord your God would not listen to Balaam but turned the curse into a blessing for you because the Lord your God loves you. (Deuteronomy 23:5)
Trusting God in the good times is easy; however, trusting him when times are very hard? That’s another story. We have to choose to trust Him regardless of what our circumstances are doing. He loves it when we make that tough choice as Job did. Even though he lost all 10 of his children, his wealth, and even his judgmental friends, Job chose to trust God regardless.
He knew he had done nothing wrong to cause this and knew in his heart that, ultimately, God had his back. It was a really tough season for him, but in the end, God received the glory, and Job was restored! Does God love Job more than us? The answer is no. The same God who encouraged Job is there for you and your precious family. We don’t have to understand the ways of God to receive his blessings and comfort. I know we are made in His image and want to know why, but sometimes that’s not meant to be, and we have to be okay with that for a season or even a lifetime. But, as we all finish our race and enter into his presence, we finally fully know as we are fully known. That is the hope of every believer.
He is trustWORTHY! Sometimes we lack the understanding or wisdom of a given situation, but that doesn’t mean that God has failed us or doesn’t love us. As was in Job’s case, God allowed some really tough things to occur because he knew Job’s heart and used that family in a very special way to prove a point to Satan himself that here was a Godly family he knew would honor him regardless. Your family and your business may just be another special situation where God knows, regardless of what happens, they will honor me and praise me through it all! Regardless of what you’re facing in life or business, He is faithful in His ways, and He is trustworthy. Nothing is impossible WITH God (Luke 1:37); however, many things are impossible without God. Trust Him and allow Him to do the miraculous through it all!
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About Ernest F. Parrish
For the past 40+ years EF Parrish has invested his life in building relationships with people. Whether as a sales director with Sprint Communications Company, a children’s pastor with a local mega-church, or VP of Sales for a large office equipment dealer, Parrish brings over 40 years experience as a business executive, minister and published author. One of Parrish’s deep passions in life is building disciples of Jesus Christ, by giving away what he has gained in his fifty+ years of walking with Christ.
Responding to the importance Parrish places on relationships, he founded Corporate Care in 1987. The business currently provides corporate chaplaincy services to thousands of employees in numerous businesses.