By Tim Priebe
February 28, 2023

Young Professional Q&A: Ryan Chapman

A UCO graduate, Ryan Chapman lives, works, and breathes the Edmond lifestyle.
Ryan Chapman currently works as a investment analyst for Capstone Apartment Partners. (Photo: Brent Fuchs)

Born and raised in Edmond, Ryan Chapman is an Edmond native passionate about local connection. An investment analyst for Capstone Apartment Partners, he proudly serves as a member of Edmond Young Professionals.

Q: Do you live in Edmond, work in Edmond, or both?

A: I was born in Edmond and still live and work in Edmond. Growing up in Edmond and loving the place I lived, I decided to pursue a degree at the University of Central Oklahoma and become involved in the community and just couldn’t leave!

Q: Where did you grow up and go to school?

A: Having been born and raised in Edmond, I went through the Edmond Public School system K-12, attending Chisholm Elementary, Cimarron Middle School, Edmond Memorial High School, and then sticking close to home receiving a degree in finance and real estate from UCO.

Q: What did you do prior to your time at the Capstone Apartment Partners?

A: I have been with Capstone for about eight months now. Prior to Capstone, I worked in real estate development, investment sales, and property management at our family’s real estate brokerage, Realty 1, LLC. Before getting involved with Realty 1, I worked at various places involving the real estate industry, including Two Structure Homes, Land Run Commercial Real Estate, and TL Construction.

Q: How did you get involved with the Capstone Apartment Partners?

A: Like many people’s stories, I kind of fell into the current role that I am in. I heard about Capstone in 2020 when the office was started and took note but not much else. I received a call from William Forrest in early 2022 and had a brief conversation about the Capstone Oklahoma Team and how they were looking for an investment analyst. At the time, I was happy working where I was, so I didn’t think much of it but decided to meet the team and interview anyway. When I met William Forrest and David Dirkschneider, I immediately knew it was a great fit. I noticed how willing they were to teach me the ins and outs of multifamily investment sales, as well as how to become a market expert. Along with those two brokers here in Edmond, we have two in Tulsa that I really hit it off with. Long story short, I found my way to Capstone organically, in a sense, without looking, and consider myself extremely lucky to have done so!

Q: What do you like most about your job?

Ryan Chapman grew up in Edmond and is proud to still call it home. (Photo: Brent Fuchs)

A: What I love about my job is the mentorship and constant learning. The four brokers on my team are truly unique. They are willing to coach me into becoming a market expert and are mentoring me through the early stages of my career. Along with the mentorship, the constant flow of apartment listings allows me to gain exposure to complex real estate investments and learn something new every single day. Capstone as a firm has given me opportunities to learn that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise, such as internal training, access to national conferences, and ensuring I have the skills and knowledge to succeed in my role. I firmly believe I have one of the coolest jobs a 25-year-old can have!

Q: What’s something you’re passionate about in your personal life?

A:  I’m extremely passionate about being the best son to my parents and brother to my older sister I can. I have been blessed with a family that loves and supports me in all that I do, so quality family time is a passion of mine for sure. We love to go to Grand Lake and Red River, New Mexico, and brewery hopping just about anywhere together. Along with that, my personal interests include real estate investing, endurance biking, and running, as well as reading and Wednesday night trivia with the gang.

Q: What’s an accomplishment you’re the proudest of?

A:  I’m proud of receiving my college degree from UCO, being a board member of Edmond Young Professionals (EYP), and establishing a name for myself in the real estate industry. More than that though, I am proud of the physical endurance events I have completed along the way. Long-distance biking and running has taught me so much about myself: how I am nowhere near my potential and I always have more to give. Much of which I try to apply to my career and personal life.

Q: What are some of the big goals you’d like to accomplish in your career?

A: Within the next year, I have goals to complete my first ultra-marathon, compete in the Leadville 100, and complete my Certified Commercial Investment Member Designation (CCIM). My five-to-ten-year goals largely include starting a family, progressing in my career—whether that be in analysis, sales, or real estate development—and living a happy and healthy lifestyle. Preferably, all in Edmond surrounded by family!

Q: What do you like about Edmond?

A: I’ve come to really enjoy the direction Edmond is heading. Edmond is beginning to offer exciting weekend/nightlife opportunities for young people, which haven’t historically been available. The addition of places like Frenzy Brewery, Commonplace Books, Evoke, The Railyard, and Icehouse keep me in Edmond and excite me. I also enjoy the small-town feel Edmond has to offer. I can take a walk along Broadway in downtown Edmond and see people I know and strike up meaningful conversations. The community is truly what makes Edmond special!

Q: What is your number one tip for other young professionals, either for work or life in general?

A: Get involved! Join a group or a club and find a way to meet other young professionals that care about the community and professional development. One of the primary keys to success I have seen in others and in my life is surrounding oneself with a group of quality individuals that care for one another and the places they live. I’ve been highly rewarded by being involved in the Edmond Young Professionals group and my Wednesday night trivia group; having something to look forward to every week has been great personally and professionally!

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About Tim Priebe

Tim is a public speaker, author, publisher of Edmond Business, and the owner of Backslash Creative. He helps businesses that are worried they don’t have the expertise or time required to invest in doing their own digital marketing. He helps them plan where and how much to invest and often helps execute the plan.

Tim started the Edmond Business online magazine in May 2020 to fill a need in the community when The Edmond Sun shut down and stopped publishing their monthly magazine, The Business Times.